p站 2025
In my last post, I walked through setting up end-to-end integration testing with NServiceBus, and how we can use it to black box test message endpoints similar to how the ASP.NET Core integration testing works. In this post, I want to walk through
p站 2025
One of the interesting side effects of adding diagnostic events to infrastructure is that you can now "listen in" to what's going on in your applications for black box testing. This can be especially useful in scenarios where you're building on top of a
p站 2025
百闻牌卡牌DIY小工具:网易无套路妖怪卡牌对战手游《阴阳师:百闻牌》,这里有精致和风对战,逾百位顶级画师,伡匠心绘制的精美卡牌,演绎《阴阳师》中耳熟能详的经典角色。置身穿行三界的秘境楼船中,化身为妖,与百鬼共 …
p站 2025
Posts in this series: An IntroTrace ContextDiagnostic EventsOpenTelemetry IntegrationActivity and Span CorrelationVisualization with ExportersUser-Defined Context with Correlation ContextSource Code With a brief detour to push out some NuGet packages, I wanted to pick up with a common issue folks run into once they start
p站 2025
As part of the end-to-end diagnostics and tracing blog series, I had an end goal of eventually publishing out NuGet packages for diagnostics (Activity and DiagnosticSource). I'm happy to announce that I've released 4 packages to NuGet: NServiceBus.Extensions.DiagnosticsNServiceBus.Extensions.Diagnostics.OpenTelemetryMongoDB.Driver.
p站 2025
Posts in this series: An IntroTrace ContextDiagnostic EventsOpenTelemetry IntegrationActivity and Span CorrelationVisualization with ExportersUser-Defined Context with Correlation ContextSource Code In the last post, we looked at surfacing our diagnostics events from the Activity and DiagnosticSource APIs on through to OpenTelemetry Spans. Side note -
p站 2025
Posts in this series: An IntroTrace ContextDiagnostic EventsOpenTelemetry IntegrationActivity and Span CorrelationVisualization with ExportersUser-Defined Context with Correlation ContextSource Code In the last post, we looked at hooking up our diagnostics events (and Activities) to OpenTelemetry, where our main task was creating the appropriate span
p站 2025
Posts in this series: An IntroTrace ContextDiagnostic EventsOpenTelemetry IntegrationActivity and Span CorrelationVisualization with ExportersUser-Defined Context with Correlation ContextSource Code In the last post, we looked at providing diagnostic event hooks into our code at specific points so that "something" could listen in. For our
p站 2025
Posts in this series: An IntroTrace ContextDiagnostic EventsOpenTelemetry IntegrationActivity and Span CorrelationVisualization with ExportersUser-Defined Context with Correlation ContextSource Code In the last post, we looked at the W3C Trace Context standard, and how we can extend NServiceBus to propagate these new headers using middleware.
Building End-to-End Diagnostics and Tracing: Trace Context
Posts in this series: An IntroTrace ContextDiagnostic EventsOpenTelemetry IntegrationActivity and Span CorrelationVisualization with ExportersUser-Defined Context with Correlation ContextSource Code In the last post, I walked through the overall problem we run into with diagnosing issues in distributed systems - mainly that it can be
Building End-to-End Diagnostics and Tracing: An Intro
ssr加速器官网:2021-6-11 · ssr加速器官网免费VPN可伡加密您的数据,并安全地将您连接到任何网站或移动应用程序。免费VPN通过我伞的安全服务器引导您的数据流量,确保您的安全。您的个人IP地址是隐藏的,这样您就可伡免费浏览互联网,而无需在未经许可的情况下向任何 ...
My current client is using .NET Core 2.x, with plans to upgrade to 3.x next month. As part of that system, we do quite a bit of messaging, with NServiceBus as the tool of choice to help make this easier. To get
Avoid In-Memory Databases for Tests
A controversial GitHub issue came to my attention a couple of weeks ago around ditching the in-memory provider for Entity Framework Core. This seemed like a no-brainer to me - these database providers are far from trivial to maintain, even for in-memory strategies. It's
Document-Level Pessimistic Concurrency in MongoDB
SSR-安卓Android篇_码神岛:2021-5-24 · 安卓开发小助手是我开发的一个小工具集:现在主要有下面几方面的内容:1.androiddevelophelper—-安卓开发小助手安卓开发小助手的主界面:2.显示手机所有的应用详细信息可伡显示手机所有的... 博文 来自: hfreeman2021的专栏
Immutability in DTOs?
Something that comes up every so often is the question of whether or not Data Transfer Objects should be immutable - that is, should our design of the classes and types of a DTO enforce immutability. To answer this question, we first need to
MediatR 8.0 Released
This release brings some (minor) breaking changes to the public API. First, we added a non-generic overload to Send on IMediator: public interface IMediator { Task<TResponse> Send<TResponse>(IRequest<TResponse> request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default); + Task<object>
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As part of the recent Message Endpoints in Azure series, I wanted to check out the new .NET Core 3.0 Worker templates to see how the templates have improved the situation (actually, a lot), but there are still some things missing from the
Contoso University Vertical Slice App Updated to ASP.NET Core 3.0
To keep a running example of "how we do web apps", I've updated my Contoso University example app to ASP.NET Core 3.0. This sample app is just a re-jiggering of Microsoft's Contoso University Razor Pages sample app . It shows how
Document-Level Optimistic Concurrency in MongoDB
安卓滤镜君LR调色大师 - 资源分享 - 二白博客:今天 · 原文地址: 《安卓滤镜君LR 调色大师》 发布于2021-6-18 标签:安卓 破解 滤镜 调色 上一篇 微博第三届小姐姐热裤大赛 ... 安卓磁力播v1.2.4去广告版 相关推荐 Adobe Photoshop Premiere Pro After Effects 2021 2021-4-23 SSR小工具v1.2.9 免费SS/SSR/V2ray ...
Building Messaging Endpoints in Azure: Functions
Posts in this series: Evaluating the Landscape A Generic Host Azure WebJobs Azure Container Instances Azure Functions In our last post, we looked at deploying message endpoints in containers, eventually out to Azure Container Instances. While fairly straightforward, this approach is fairly close to
Building Messaging Endpoints in Azure: Container Instances
Posts in this series: Evaluating the Landscape A Generic Host Azure WebJobs Azure Container Instances Azure Functions In the last post, we looked at Azure WebJobs as a means of deploying messaging endpoints. And while that may work for smaller loads and simpler systems,
SSR订阅获取器 ssr订阅地址获取器 v1.0 绿色免费版 下载 ...:2021-2-24 · ssr订阅地址获取器 v1.0 绿色免费版,SSR订阅获取器是个非常简单的SSR伡及V2rayN订阅地址获取器,它可伡基于第三方流量网站进行订阅,订阅的地址具有时效性,有需要的用户可伡下载来使用
Posts in this series: Evaluating the Landscape A Generic Host Azure WebJobs Azure Container Instances Azure Functions In the last post, I looked at creating a generic host endpoint that many of the deployed versions in Azure can share. By using a hosted service,
A few years back, I had given up on xUnit in favor of Fixie because of the flexibility that Fixie provides. The xUnit project is highly opinionated, and geared strictly towards unit tests. It's great for that. A broader testing strategy includes much more
My favorite feature of AutoMapper is its LINQ support. If you're using AutoMapper, and not using its queryable extensions, you're missing out! Normal AutoMapper usage is something like: var dest = _mapper.Map<Dest>(source); Which would be equivalent to: var dest = new
AutoMapper 9.0 Released
As with the other major releases of AutoMapper, this one introduces breaking API changes with relatively few other additions. The major breaking changes (see upgrade guide for details) include: Removing the static API Removing "dynamic" maps (automatically created maps) Fix on IMappingAction